Seeking Qualified Volunteers to Serve Point West

On behalf of the team here at Point West, happy holidays to you and your family! This is a time of year when many focus on giving and volunteering for a good cause. Volunteering at Point West is an example of a good cause where the whole credit union reaps the rewards of your service.

At the heart of every cooperative is a governing board, derived from its membership. These volunteers are tasked with ensuring their organization is fiscally sound and focused on serving members now and into the future; the same is true here at Point West. We are privileged to have an incredible group of dedicated volunteers willing to serve on our board of directors and supervisory committee. This diverse group of members ensures the safety and soundness of our credit union and guides the strategic direction of Point West’s future.

As our credit union moves toward 90 years of service to its members, we celebrate the collaboration of our volunteers, staff and community partners who helped Point West overcome the challenges of a crippled economy and financial industry. We have emerged with renewed energy and a focus to provide financial wellness tools which help our members rebuild too.

Engaging and attracting the next generation of volunteers to serve on our board of directors and supervisory committee is essential, as Point West navigates evolving consumer needs, an increasingly fast-churning technology innovation cycle, and ensuring our safety and soundness with ongoing regulatory changes. That’s where you come in.

We are actively looking for individuals like you interested in sharing your voice and helping shape our future. We need member volunteers willing to enrich our strategic conversations and ensure the direction of Point West is relevant, purposeful, and beneficial to our entire cooperative. We want members who actively use our technology, products and services so we may learn how to improve your member experience.

While no simple task, volunteering for your credit union is rewarding, educational, and gives you the opportunity make a real impact for your fellow members and larger community. If we’ve piqued your interest, please contact us at [email protected]. We are happy to provide additional information, answer your questions, and discuss volunteer responsibilities and opportunities with you.

Thank you for membership and for your consideration to become a volunteer. Self-governance by our members is essential to our cooperative, and your participation will ensure Point West remains strong for years to come.


Amy Nelson, President/CEO

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